Meeting: 20 May 2024 5.30pm - 7.30pm

Joint GES/SPE Meeting

The Swinging Sixties to the Digital Age: Economic Transformations in the UK, 1964‑2024

Speaker: Tim Leunig
Chair: Amanda Rowlatt

Venue: Institute for Government, 2 Carlton Gardens, London, SW1Y 5AA

2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the Government Economic Service (GES). To mark this occasion, the SPE is delighted to join forces with the GES to host a special event looking at the state of the UK economy over the last 60 years.

Generously hosted by the Institute for Government, the event will be held on Monday 20 May at the Institute’s offices in Westminster. We are delighted that Tim Leunig will be our guest speaker. He will be looking at the British economy in 1964, and reflecting on the economic change we have seen in Britain over the last six decades.

Tim Leunig is Director of Economics, Public First Consulting, Chief Economist at Onward think tank, Senior Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Government, Visiting Professor at the LSE School of Public Policy, and Associate Member, Nuffield College.  He was a member of the GES for more than a decade, working in six government departments including roles as Chief Analyst and Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department for Education, and Economic Adviser to Chancellors Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid.  He tweeted as @timleunig and blogs at You can find him on

The meeting is being chaired by Amanda Rowlatt. Amanda is Chief Analyst at the Department for Transport. Before this she was Chief Economist at the Department for Business Innovation and Skills, the Department for Work and Pensions, the Competition Commission and the Office for National Statistics. She is Deputy Chair of Brunel University and is on the Council of the National Institute for Economic and Social Research.

The event is being held at the Institute for Government, 2 Carlton Gardens, London, SW1Y 5AA. It starts at 5.30pm and will be followed by networking drinks. Registration from 5.15pm onwards.

The event will be live streamed for those unable to attend in person. Members can register via the SPE office.

We are grateful to the Institute for Government for kindly hosting this event.