Membership of SPE

The Society of Professional Economists is Europe’s largest network of economists. By joining the 1300-strong group of vibrant and influential individuals, you show that you are committed to your profession and give yourself access to other professionals. 

Membership costs just £110 per 12 months and includes regular monthly seminars, masterclasses from leading researchers to ensure members are at the forefront of knowledge and reduced-rate access to our annual conference and annual dinner. We offer reduced rates for affiliates and for students. Membership is tax deductible.

Members are drawn from all areas of the profession including finance and commerce, industry, government departments, private sector consultants, business schools and universities. The Society welcomes both established economists and younger members, including recent graduates and students intending to follow a career in economics.

Join us

The SPE is for those with a professional interest in economics. The normal qualifications for full membership are either a degree with a substantial economics content and evidence of a continuing professional interest in economics; or a degree in another subject together with professional experience of economics, normally including current employment.

Full Membership is appropriate for most economists or professionals with an interest in business economics. Graduate Membership is open to those who are within two years of having a  degree course with substantial economics content and applicable up to the age of 25 years of age. Student Membership is open to undergraduates and those studying for a Masters degree in the UK. Fellowship is at the discretion of the SPE Council, with Fellowship awarded to both pre-eminent economists and those who have played major roles supporting the Society. Membership is individual and non-transferable. As a professional body, subscriptions paid by SPE members working in or using economics in their work can be offset against tax.

To join, please follow the links below. It costs £110 for Full membership; £40 for Graduate membership and Student Membership.


In order to process your membership we do need payment. Once you have completed the online form you can pay using PayPal via or call us on +44 (0)1264 737552 and pay with debit/credit card.