Annual Dinner: 27 September 2021 6.30pm
SPE Annual Dinner 2021
Venue: Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5ED
The SPE Annual Dinner will be held on Monday 27 September at the Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5ED. The evening will commence with a Drinks Reception at 6.30pm followed by a sit-down dinner at 7.00pm.
We are honoured that the guest speaker will be Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England.
Andrew Bailey began his term as Governor of the Bank of England on 16 March 2020. Andrew served as Chief Executive Officer of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) from 1 July 2016 until taking up the role of Governor. As CEO of the FCA, Andrew Bailey was also a member of the Prudential Regulation Committee, the Financial Policy Committee, and the Board of the Financial Conduct Authority.

Andrew previously held the role of Deputy Governor, Prudential Regulation and CEO of the PRA from 1 April 2013. While retaining his role as Executive Director of the Bank, Andrew joined the Financial Services Authority in April 2011 as Deputy Head of the Prudential Business Unit and Director of UK Banks and Building Societies. In July 2012, Andrew became Managing Director of the Prudential Business Unit, with responsibility for the prudential supervision of banks, investment banks and insurance companies. Andrew was appointed as a voting member of the interim Financial Policy Committee at its June 2012 meeting.
The venue is once again the elegant Nash Room in the Institute of Directors. The venue is once again the elegant Nash Room in the Institute of Directors. During proceedings, we will also be presenting the annual 2021 Rybczynski Prize to the author of the best piece of business economics writing. The prize is generously sponsored by KPMG.
Registration is now closed. If you have any queries please contact the office on
Our thanks go to Oxford Economics for kindly sponsoring this event.