Geoff Tily has been TUC Senior Economist since 2014, following on from twenty-five years as member of the Government Statistical Service and then Government Economic Service, most recently as a macroeconomic adviser in HM Treasury. His book ‘Keynes Betrayed’ (2007) is acknowledged as a major contribution to a huge literature on JM Keynes. In 2006 Geoff warned that the build-up of private debt had become unsustainable and was in imminent danger of imploding and causing a major recession. When the financial crisis hit he then argued strongly that Keynesian policies would shorten the consequent recession and that ‘austerity’ would lengthen it.
In this Society of Professional Economists course Geoff shares his vast experience of mapping the progress of the UK economy using a wide range of important indicators. The course focusses on the sources of data and how to interpret them. It is a practical experience-based course on how to read macro-indicators and make reasoned judgements as to where the economy has been and is heading, it is not a course on technical macroeconomic modelling.
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