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Found 34 pages including 'Vicky Pryce'

What's on

Past events : 7 February 2023, 5:30 pm
How to be a Successful Economist

Past events : 6 October 2022, 6:00 pm
Restarting the Future

Past events : 12 December 2019, 2:00 pm
Women and Capitalism

Past events : 25 November 2019, 5:00 pm
The economic case for gender equality

Past events : 23 April 2018, 12:00 am
SPE Professional Development Course: Half Brexit?

Reading Room

Book reviews : 21 March 2024
The Women Who Made Modern Economics

Book reviews : 26 July 2023
Covid, Brexit and the Anglosphere

Book reviews : 26 April 2023
We Need to Talk About Inflation

Book reviews : 24 November 2022
A Herstory of Economics

Book reviews : 25 July 2022
Restarting the Future

Book reviews : 28 March 2022
The Economic Integration of Europe

Book reviews : 29 November 2021
Nudge: The Final Edition

Book reviews : 15 July 2021
Profit and Prejudice:

Book reviews : 8 March 2021
The Cost of Free Money

Book reviews : 23 July 2020

Book reviews : 24 April 2020
Women vs Capitalism:

Book reviews : 24 April 2020
Radical Uncertainty

Book reviews : 2 December 2019
The AI Economy:

Book reviews : 25 March 2019
The Power of Capitalism

Book reviews : 5 December 2017
The Wisdom of Finance

Book reviews : 11 July 2017
Brexit: Why Britain voted to leave the European Union

Book reviews : 2 March 2017
How Change Happens

Book reviews : 2 March 2017
The 99 Essential Business Questions

Book reviews : 9 November 2016
What they Do with your Money

Book reviews : 9 November 2016
Welcome to the Poisoned Chalice

Book reviews : 28 June 2016
Progress and Confusion

Book reviews : 28 June 2016
Policy Stability and Economic Growth

Book reviews : 12 October 2014
Investing for Prosperity

Book reviews : 19 June 2011
The Fish Rots from the Head

Podcasts and Speakers

Podcasts : 12 July 2024
Interview with Vicky Pryce

Speaker Series : 9 February 2023
How to be a Successful Economist

Speaker Series : 22 November 2021
Watch Vicky Pryce in conversation with Andrew Milligan

Speaker Series : 25 November 2019, 12:00 am
The Economic Case for Gender Equality: Watch video now!

Podcasts : 25 November 2019
Video: The Economic Case for Gender Equality