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Found 31 pages including 'Sunil Krishnan'

About us

Councillors :
Sunil Krishnan

What's on

Past events : 25 May 2021, 5:00 pm
Live webinar: Using alternative data for now‑casts and forecasts

Past events : 13 April 2021, 5:00 pm
Live Webinar: Rethinking the Economics of Biodiversity

Past events : 15 December 2020, 5:00 pm
Making good decisions on climate risk and the low carbon transition:


News : 11 May 2020
Martin Wolf talks to Sunil Krishnan

News : 12 October 2016
Chairman's Report 2015‑16

Reading Room

Book reviews : 28 March 2022
The Economics of the Stock Market

Book reviews : 20 November 2018
Fifty Things That Made The Modern Economy

Book reviews : 13 July 2017
Happiness For All?

Book reviews : 13 July 2017
The Financial Diaries

Book reviews : 28 June 2016
China's Next Strategic Advantage

Podcasts and Speakers

Speaker Series : 25 May 2021
Webinar: Using alternative data for now‑casts and forecasts

Speaker Series : 13 April 2021
Webinar: Rethinking the Economics of Biodiversity

Speaker Series : 15 December 2020
Webinar: Making good decisions on climate risk and the low carbon transition

Speaker Series : 8 May 2020
Sunil Krishnan interviews Martin Wolf

Podcasts : 14 October 2019
Speaker Series: Interview with Sir Ivan Rogers

Podcasts : 14 October 2019
Speaker Series: Interview with Randall Kroszner

Podcasts : 14 October 2019
Speaker Series: Interview with Yael Selfin

Speaker Series : 7 October 2019, 12:00 am
Careers in Economics

Podcasts : 7 October 2019
Speaker Series: Interview with Janet Henry and Osama Rahman

Podcasts : 18 September 2019
Speaker Series: Interview with Jonathan Athow and Jill Leyland

Podcasts : 1 July 2019
Speaker Series: Interview with Martin Wolf and Stephanie Flanders

Speaker Series : 22 January 2019
2019 Outlook for the UK Economy

Masterclasses : 22 November 2018
Trade after Brexit

Speaker Series : 9 October 2018, 12:00 am
Rebuilding Macroeconomics

Podcasts : 28 September 2018
Speaker Series: Philip Lane, Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland

Podcasts : 28 September 2018
Speaker Series: Interview with Evan Davis

Podcasts : 28 September 2018
Speaker Series: Interview with Stephanie Flanders

Masterclasses : 15 February 2018, 12:00 am
Shaping Monetary Policy at Bank of England

Speaker Series : 4 December 2017, 6:00 pm
China's Outlook following the 19th Party Congress

Podcasts : 18 September 2017
Speaker Series: Annual Conference interview with Evan Davis