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Found 27 pages including 'Ian Harwood'

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Past events : 7 February 2023, 5:30 pm
How to be a Successful Economist


News : 6 May 2020
Visit our Podcast page for the latest in the series of interviews

News : 12 October 2016
Chairman's Report 2015‑16

News : 3 June 2016
Improving the UK's Economic Statistics

News : 29 March 2016
Economics Curriculum Reform in British Universities

Reading Room

Book reviews : 3 July 2024
The Shortest History of Economics

Book reviews : 21 March 2024
Seven Crashes

Book reviews : 24 November 2023
The Economic Government of the World, 1933‑2023

Book reviews : 27 April 2023
The Tyranny of Nostalgia

Book reviews : 25 July 2022
The World in 2050

Book reviews : 28 March 2022
The Asian Financial Crisis

Book reviews : 8 March 2021
Outside The Box

Book reviews : 23 July 2020
China's Change:

Book reviews : 24 April 2020
Bloomberg by Bloomberg

Book reviews : 25 July 2019
Crashed: how a Decade of Financial Crisis changed the World

Book reviews : 9 November 2016
The Man Who Knew

Book reviews : 28 June 2016
Why Minsky Matters

Book reviews : 1 February 2016
The Courage to Act

Book reviews : 28 September 2015
Making Sense of Markets

Book reviews : 31 March 2015
Fortune Tellers: The Story of America’s First Economic Forecasters

Book reviews : 12 October 2014
The Dollar Trap

Book reviews : 29 June 2012
Safe as Houses?

Book reviews : 17 June 2011
A Call for Judgment

Book reviews : 14 June 2011
The Fearful Rise of Markets

Podcasts and Speakers

Speaker Series : 9 February 2023
How to be a Successful Economist

Podcasts : 23 April 2020
Podcast: Ian Harwood on the economic impact of Covid‑19